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A review of why there is more to the story when Politicians state that we are going to spend more on National Debt Interest than National Defense Spending as our National Debt and Interest Expense begins to compound at a faster rate.

Video Link:

Data Source Links:

Department of Defense Budgets:

Other Video Links:

Optimize the Military Retirement Fund:

The Compounding Military Pension –a Failure in Military Strategic Readiness:

White Paper Links:

How to “Solve” Our National Debt “Problem” -

Audio Special Thanks:

The U.S. Army Band – The Rifle Regiment


A review of the “Scrap the Cap” plan which calls for the elimination of the Contribution and Benefit Base and “Taxing the Rich” to fix Social Security.

Scrap the Cap on Social Security Video Link:

Social Security Links

Contribution and Benefit Base:

BLS Inflation Calculator:

IRS SOI Integrated Business Data:

IRS 2020 Individual Income Tax Returns:

Social Security Amendments of 1983:


How to Fix & Save Social Security: Tax Gap Series: Unified Tax Code Series:

Video Links

Trust Fund Optimization:

MMT Part 4, How to Fix It:

What the Hell is the Tax Gap Part III:

Audio Special Thanks

Chris Haugen - Western Spaghetti

Quincas Moreira - Veracruz

Chris Zabriskie – Readers! Do you Read


Updated: Feb 5, 2024

In 2019, I thought it would be humorous to build a program that showcased my abilities as a Financial Planner and modeled out the entire spectrum of possibilities that could be taken to solve our National Debt problem. It became less humorous when that “marketing gimmick” invalidated a large portion of what I had learned during my formal education and an even larger portion of the investment principles that our Financial Industry is using to manage our collective life savings. Nervous but undeterred, I pressed forward with confidence that my endeavors would lead me out of the woods of unknowing and into a meadow of understanding if I just maintained my resolve long enough and continued to put one foot in front of the other. After thousands of hours of research, the eleven steps detailed in The National Debt Project paper were the most important during my journey to “solve” our National Debt “problem.”

Blog: Blog2

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