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Updated: Jul 12, 2024

A widow was referred to Watch Guard Capital in late 2021 after her independent insurance salesperson wouldn’t return her calls. She was trying to find out why the value of her Athene Ascent Pro Bonus annuity didn’t seem to be growing. This video covers the annuity review process and what I found.


Imagine being able to improve the position of both Social Security and the Military Retirement Fund while simultaneously buying relief from the debt limit. In this video, I show how implementing two previous ideas is the smartest way we can avoid the Debt Ceiling “game of chicken."


Updated: Sep 15, 2021

This video explains how National Security could be increased by reducing "Special-Issued Myself IOU Treasury Bonds" in the Military Retirement Fund and how investing a portion in the stock market could have saved a trillion dollars over the last two years.

Blog: Blog2

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