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A review of the opportunity costs associated with using Target Date and Lifecycle Funds in retirement 401(k) plans, and how the sub-optimal investment allocations in the Thrift Savings Plan are costing participants more than 70% of their potential retirement income.

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If you were to ask Stephen Paluga about Watch Guard Capital’s investing philosophy, the contents of this paper would give you an understanding of the steps he took to reach his conclusion that we are "Investing in an Era of Fiat Uncertainty" and how to navigate it by investing in real assets.


Video Link: A review of the Rule of 72, which is a quick formula used to estimate the number of years required to double your invested money at a given annual rate of return. 



72 / Rate of Return = Years Required to Double Your Money


Audio Special Thanks:

Audionautix – Back to the Wood

Blog: Blog2

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Watch Guard Capital LLC (WGC) is a state Registered Investment Adviser in Arizona, California, Ohio, and Virginia.  WGC and our consultants may only transact business in states in which we are registered, or qualify for an exemption from registration.  All products and services are subject to the terms and conditions of any applicable laws and are only available in jurisdictions where they may be lawfully offered.  Our website is limited to the dissemination of general information and should not be considered a solicitation to transact securities or to provide personalized investment advice via the Internet.  Copies of our background information and service and fee disclosures are available by clicking the following links:

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